FUE Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant done by taking individual hair follicles from your skin and moving them to another part of your body where hair’s thinner or absent.

Why FUE technique?

The most important reason why the FUE technique is the most recommended and applied technique is that there is no number limitation, so 6000-7000 hair follicles can be transplanted in just one session in accordance with the suitability of the donor area.This number is determined according to the donor area. We complete the extract process in a way that does not exceed 20% of the donor area, so that an even aesthetic and homogeneous image is obtained in the area without any gaps. For this reason, the maximum amount of each person will not be the same, some of them may be 3500 and the other may be 6000.

The FUE technique allows you to regain your hair without pain, swelling and scarring. Hair transplantation is a procedure that gives permanent results, the success is 95%. There are a few small but also very important details that should be taken into account when carrying out this transplantation. These are the different angles of hair and different qualities, they can have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 hairs on a hair follicle, these numbers also help us to determine the quality of the hair follicle. According to the determined quality and hair direction, desired natural appearance is obtained and 40-65 hair follicles can be transplanted per centimeter.

After Hair Transplantation

After hair transplantation, you are informed about the most important detail: the first 7 days, because this is the period in which the hair follicles that are transplanted have a fusion retention process. Since FUE hair transplantation has no incision, the healing process takes place very quickly. The transplanted hair usually falls (shpck-loss) at the end of the first month. After the second month, the hair follicles begin to grow, they grow 1-1.5 inches per month. This process takes exactly one year.

Serious differences are noticed after 6-7 months, but the main result is 12 months after the operation. After this process, we can accept the result as a permanent result and because the transplanted hair is taken generally from areas coded not to fall out, they are permanent for a lifetime.