Gum Treatments (Periodontology)

What is Gum Treatment?

Gum treatment is the department that examines the teeth and the tissues around them, examines their status in health and disease, aims to diagnose and treat the diseases that occur in these tissues and to protect the health obtained after treatment. Gum  treatment can be classified as surgical and non-surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments are scaling  and root surface cleaning , which are the basic treatments  .

If the tartar is not  cleaned, there will be more accumulation and it will move towards the surface of the root. In this case, bone resorption begins. When bone resorption occurs, the tooth may be lost. If regular tooth brushing, dental stones  in some discomfort or systemic temizletil gingivitis does not occur. When gingivitis occurs, the normal pink color of the gingiva turns red and becomes bleeding. In this case, gingival treatment is required.

What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Gum bleeding while brushing or spontaneously

Red, swollen and tender gums

Bad breath, receding gums

Gums that can be easily separated from the teeth and moved away

Inflammatory discharge between the teeth and gums

Teeth that wobble or move away from each other (creation of gaps between teeth or increase in existing gaps)

Change of closure between upper and lower teeth during biting

What kind of problem does gum recession cause?

 As a result of gingival recession , the root surface of the tooth is exposed, if this area is not brushed well, caries occurs and tooth sensitivity appears.My aesthetic appearance deteriorates. Over time, teeth with gingival recession cause swaying, displacement, gaps between other teeth and even loss of teeth by shaking.

What is frenulum?

The soft tissues that connect the tongue, lips and cheeks with the gingiva are called frenulum. There is a frenulum especially under the tongue and between the front teeth and the lip, but the number of frenulum in the mouth differs from person to person.

Frenulum, as the word meaning, “small and short ligament, a small mucous membrane or skin fold that has taken the form of a ligament that limits the movements of any organ or formation.” means. If the frenulum is thick, too short or hard, recession may occur in the gingival area to which it is attached. To prevent this, the frenulum may need to be cut or removed completely. This operation is called frenectomy.